Juminkeko building, a prime example of modern Finnish wooden architecture, was designed by the internationally acclaimed Finnish architects Mikko Heikkinen and Markku Komonen.

Juminkeko is surrounded by 24 wooden pillars, which support a peat roof covered with lingonberries and heather. The exterior of the building has been treated with a mixture of tar and linseed oil. The auditorium's log structures have been hewed by hand. The stairs in the main entrance as well as the floor in the lobby and patio have been built from post trees.
During the construction of Juminkeko centre (1999), the Foundation had to obtain additional funds to safeguard the architectural appearance of the building.
The state's funds alone would not have been sufficient, e.g. for making the wooden stairs.
Further funds were obtained by symbolically selling the pillars of the roof as well as seeking other sponsors.

The supporting pillars of Juminkeko are:
Akonlahden Ystävät r.y., Elias Lönnrot -seura r.y., Eero and Erkki Fredriksonin säätiö, Ilmari Kianto -seura r.y., Kalevalaisten Naisten Liitto, Kalevalaseura, Kuhmon 4H-yhdistys, Merentien sukuseura, Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura and Suomen Kotiseutuliitto, Agency R. Junninen Oy, Alma-Rakennus Oy, A. Kyllönen Oy, Aug. Korhonen Oy, Finnair Oyj, Fortum Oyj, Icopal Oy, Kainuun Sanomat, Kainuun Sähkö Oyj, Kasvutahto Oy/ Simo Kuurne, Kiannon Turjanlinna Oy, Kuhmo Oy, Kuhmon Ikkuna, Kuhmon Kirjakauppa
Kuhmon Osuuspankki, Metsätalouden kehittämiskeskus TAPIO, Möbel Oy, NOKIA, Paikallislehti Kuhmolainen, Paikallis-Sähkö Oy, Palstalan Puutarha Ay, Puuinfo Oy, Teksti Oy Sunimento and Valokuvausliike U.Komulainen, Kajaanin Ammatillisen Aikuiskoulutuskeskuksen Kuhmon kurssiosasto, Eeva Berglund, André and Helka Faure, Meeri and Seppo Kärnä, I&Y Manninen, M. Kiviharju, K. Wiebenga, Elvi Nieminen, Gudrun Nyman, Soini Sinisalo, H.R. Iskala, R. Kuoppala, K. Kuoppala, E-K Viinikka, Tuulikki Yli-Lonttinen, Kuhmon Kamarimusiikki' staff and Tuulentuvan kulttuurituki.

Thanks for your support!
Would you like to support Juminkeko's activities? The Foundation accepts donations and testaments. Companies and organizations supporting the Juminkeko Foundation with a donations will receive a grant of more than 800 euros as a deduction for their taxation.